perm filename BUGS.TER[RDG,DBL] blob sn#668001 filedate 1982-07-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
 3-May-81 20:38:08-PDT,1213;000000000000
Mail-from: ARPANET site RAND-AI rcvd at 3-May-81 2038-PDT
Date:  3 May 1981 2031-PDT
Subject: [GREINER: Yous modem]
To: csd.greiner at SU-SCORE

Date: 29 Apr 1981 1406-PDT
Subject: Yous modem
To: pmartin at SRI-AI
cc: pam at SU-AI, greiNER

Paul -
	Hope this reaches you, at least once. (Sorry if it's "twice".)
Pnyway, I'm haviog so[e trouble with your modem, in my H19 ter[inal at h{me.
A mioor proclem; it seems to {nfuse a few characters -- eg #e" -> "u" acout
half the time.  Other characters arY misioterpreted as well.  This I cao
l[ve with.  It als{, apparently, eojoys dropping my line acout an hour Znto
a giveo session.  This is, as ↑ou might imagine, a wee bit mose Xnnoying.

Note I did nov have this problem when I used th}same phone lioes, with another
modem (anf different H19); and thYse problems did NOT occur when I usYd another
terminal/modem set, on the same dialup line, minutes agtes my pr{blems...

Aoywa↑, my partinular termioal was, I belZYve, the girst PAM-modem instXlled/

PerhXps that's the problYm -- }so, is there anything R sho]ld just #tweak"?

 3-May-81 20:38:18-PDT,651;000000000000
Mail-from: ARPANET site RAND-AI rcvd at 3-May-81 2038-PDT
Date:  3 May 1981 2031-PDT
Subject: [GREINER: Oops]
To: csd.greiner at SU-SCORE

Date: 29 Apr 1981 1414-PDT
Subject: Oops
To: pam at SU-AI
cc: greiner

Sorry - I wasn't trying to be cute last message -- I thought the characters
I typed were received appropriately...  (I'm now on a different terminal,
to answer your next question.)

By the way, did Henry Sowizral (HENRY@RAND-AI) contact you -- he's interesting
in acquiring your modem, mutandis mutatis, for his Heath-89.


 3-May-81 20:38:29-PDT,731;000000000000
Mail-from: ARPANET site RAND-AI rcvd at 3-May-81 2038-PDT
Date:  3 May 1981 2032-PDT
Subject: [Paul Martin <PMARTIN at SRI-AI>: Re: Yous modem]
To: csd.greiner at SU-SCORE

Mail from SRI-AI rcvd at 29-Apr-81 1625-PDT
Date: 29 Apr 1981 1625-PDT
From: Paul Martin <PMARTIN at SRI-AI>
Subject: Re: Yous modem
In-Reply-To: Your message of 29-Apr-81 1406-PDT

Russ if you are local call away just call me at 859-4480, else I'll make
a long message... I assume the message you sent me had been horsed around
with to resemble the dirvel you've been suffering?  Paul
 PS Call before 5.. I'm leaving for a picnic then..Paul
28-Apr-81 22:02:47-PDT,2036;000000000001
Mail-from: ARPANET site RAND-AI rcvd at 28-Apr-81 2202-PDT
Date: 28 Apr 1981 2155-PDT
Subject: [GREINER: Damn, damn, damn]
To: csd.lenat at SU-SCORE
cc: csd.greiner at SU-SCORE

The PAM Modem I have seems a loser:  The major problem is its propensity
for dropping the dial-up line.  (I've not had that problem when I called
from Milt's house, on his computer; nor when I've dialed up from campus.)
It also seems that it's the modem's fault that characters get garbled --
once again, that problem has NOT occurred when I'm at Milt's house,
or on campus; even when calling up on the same phone lines.
I might mention I had this problem earlier, when I used this type of modem,
but not when I used Penny's, which had a Prentise modem.

Now for the request: how do I go about exchanging my clunker for an improved
terminal/modem?  This terminal seemed to work reliably from Margaret Jacks ...
any reason I shouldn't try to exchange it with, say, Lynn's?

Date: 26 Apr 1981 1558-PDT
Subject: Rand-Ai's conventions
To: henry, wescOURT
cc: greiner, rick

What is Rand-Ai's official position, with respect to detached jobs?
Twice in the last few days I lost an hour or more of my work, because
my connection failed, and I, apparently, took too long to reconnect.
(Today I had to call 5 different numbers, on 3 different machines, plus
the local tip, to get a line thru -- which, even then, did not take
over 15 minutes.)  Given that there was no urgent need for jobs,
(the only other user was Zorking,) I cannot understand why my job
was killed!!
	Please explain.
Date: 28 Apr 1981 2130-PDT
Subject: Damn, damn, damn
To: henry, wescouRT
cc: greiner

It happened again -- a bad connection led to a detached job; which was
killed by the time I returned.  Another hour's work, down the tubes.

Anyone else I should bitch at?